
Are You In Flow With Who You Are & Your Life?

Be in the flow (1200 x 1000 px)

Before you begin reading my main message in this blog post, I want to ask your permission…

This post is about the sides of yourself that you hide from people. Everyday we put on a mask (I call it Mime Syndrome) hiding our anger, sadness, our restlessness with life, maybe you have done it for so many years that we don’t even recognize the help, guidance, the SOLUTION right in front of us, because we live everyday in a haze of our own limiting beliefs, fears, judgments, & control, that keeps us from achieving true peace, health, and joy…. in one word… FREEDOM.

So I ask your permission to give up control while you read this blog post, step out from behind your mask, let down your walls, allow me to speak to the “knowing” part of you, your intuitive side, so you can truly start to perceive what is actually causing the frustration in your life, the poor health, the anxiety, depression, and all the stress, so you can stop and achieve what you want. 

Dear Reader,

 If you have given me that permission and chose to keep reading, I’m giving you a big strong high five! Join me in the trenches of achieving TRUE HEALTH & JOY! Let’s see what gets stirred up inside of you by the end of this post.

Again, speaking to the “knowing” part of you, your intuition… are you living the life you should be? Do you have the emotional / mental / and physical health, love, financial, or lifestyle, that you know (this is that “knowing” part) is your truth… what you should be living?

Please, don’t over think this, feel the emotion, hear the words inside your head, however it comes up for you… it’s a simple YES or NO answer.

If your answer was NO to one or more of the different categories, and you would like to learn how to feel great in all areas of life then keep reading!

First thing to be aware of is that all these categories can influence one another, for example:

If you are dealing with an health issue, then you may be dealing with an emotional issue like anxiety or depression… or instead of your emotional health, you may be having issues with your finances or relationships. They are all tied together. 

For years now I have been helping men and women overcome health issues and in order to help their body repair, we also needed to address past and current traumas, their beliefs around money, insecurities, etc. 

This is because “nothing happens in isolation” a huge percentage of the time our beliefs, past and current life experiences actually create our health problems. 

However, If you want great health, healthy relationships, to live your purpose everyday, and feel like you’re going to just burst with happiness, and you just can’t wait to wake up everyday and experience this amazing gift called life, it’s important to learn the skill of Letting Go and “Being in the flow”. What the heck does that mean?

Let me explain it to you this way:

There are 2 kinds of rivers, think about a fast flowing river, and every so often it has fallen tree trucks in the middle, big boulders and rocks that can block the flow. However, what you notice about this river is that it keeps flowing. The water moves over and around the obstacles, allowing the water to flow to its destination. Have you noticed that the water seems stronger and louder around the obstacles… 

Then think of the rivers that start off flowing heavy but then comes to a halt because the obstacles are too big, they have actually dammed up the river. You may see on the other side of the debris that this river has become a small stream, maybe even a trickle. The water may or may not find its destination, or if it does, it’s going to take a VERY LONG TIME.

What Is Your “Debris”?

When we encounter obstacles in our life that cause us to get angry, fearful, sad, uncertain,  and causes you to freeze and stop moving forward. This can be past or current emotional or physical abuse, health, relationship, financial, or work problems. The obstacles are like the trees and boulders that position themselves in the river. 

Take a moment and just perceive your “debris” in your life.

Which River Reflects You?

When you reflect on the two rivers mentioned above, how do you respond when life throws debris into your flow of life?

The true fact of the matter is, you have a choice on how you respond to obstacles. Are you able to maneuver and flow around or even push them out of the way as if they weren’t ever there?

Or are you like the river that becomes dammed up, losing power and energy and becomes a small trickle or sadly just dries up and disappears?

For so many years I made my past and current obstacles so huge that it stopped my energy, and I forgot how loud and powerful I could be in that moment, and I would lose my flow.

Do you find yourself having sleep and health issues, you have a short fuse, you’re feeling desperate to change your job, financial situation, or just feel disconnected with life… I encourage you to reach out for help. 

In order for me to become like a river that is in full flow, and allowing myself to maneuver around the obstacles with ease, I needed help from outside sources. I needed a guide to help me create the life I knew that was true to me and get back in the flow of life. 

Ready To Be Guided?

If you are sick and tired of your life or a certain obstacle, and you just know that life should be better than what you’re experiencing, and ready for the clarifying steps, please contact me. Why waste more precious days being stuck and out of the flow. 

How To Contact Jennifer

Email : jennifer@truehealth4you.com

Book a free 45 min zoom chat with me: https://calendly.com/truehealth4you/zoom-chat-with-jennifer

Jennifer Tyson

Health & Life Mentor

Dedicated to teaching people all over the world, how to get over their fears, repair their bodies, and become happier beings.

Jennifer Tyson

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