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What Keeps Stopping You From Getting Healthier and Happier


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It’s not the work, lack of time, lack of money, desire, or that major health issue that you’ve been telling yourself is in the way.  What’s really stopping you is:


Fear has effectively stopped millions of people from truly embracing their true purpose in life. Our purpose of being healthy and happy, no matter what the conditions or realities are around us. 

As a health and life mentor, I have years of watching fear pop up during consults and sessions in different ways. Fear likes to show up like this:

  • Defensiveness
  • A mentality of scarcity and lack 
  • Making jokes 
  • Being uncommitted/unmotivated to sessions and doing the work.

It’s a fact that yes, the process of becoming a healthier person creates change. Our brain doesn’t appreciate change… it puts our survival at risk. 

But it goes a lot deeper than that… 

Fear keeps us from really looking at the root of our biggest issues. Subconsciously we create this fear that if we were to really face these issues, it would absolutely destroy us. 

That’s just not the case. 

When we choose to feel the fear and ACCEPT why we have been holding ourselves back from being and living our truth, not only is it not that bad… it brings RELIEF!

Isn’t relief what we all want in this day and age? I know that’s what I want. 

I had to accept the accountability that me, myself, and I, were the only one that was keeping me in my past traumas and not truly letting go of them. 

I was the one that was choosing not to be focused on my mental, physical, health, and financial situation. Why did I do this?…

This fear usually results in us feeling SHAME. We shame ourselves because we stop listening to our inner being. Our inner being knows what we truly desire and deserve in our lives. When we go against our inner being, we feel pressure, discomfort, and shame. 

If you are unhappy with how you look naked, or that you are still dealing with that certain health issue… what are you choosing not to accept and that you’re running away from, that’s keeping you from moving forward?

I had a huge aha moment when I realized that I was choosing not to exercise or improve my eating habits because I was afraid of living a life of feeling good and actually being at peace! 

I had spent more days in fear and resistance than feeling at peace and feeling good. I was fearful of the unknown. 

You compromise your dreams not because you fear you will fail, but because you know that to succeed,

you will have to rebel against the facade/mask/image that you have currently created to protect yourself.


You fear what you might become because you do not know who you are. 

The image and belief that you create about who you think you are, not only makes you feel safe but also makes others feel safe about who they think you are.

Without this mask/image, who are you and how would others view and treat you?

Jennifer Tyson

Health & Life Mentor

Dedicated to teaching people all over the world, how to get over their fears, repair their bodies, and become happier beings.

Jennifer Tyson

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